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Monday, April 30, 2012

Sai’s, Chicken Killer Barley Wine and the NFL Draft last time I said I was going to review The Bruery's White Oak, but then this happened - 

For the last few years, a bunch of us have been getting together at a friend’s place to watch the draft - and by watch, I mean drink microbrews and over analyze the crap out of it, with a kind maniacal vacuousness that strips the soul of its very worth.  

Sometimes we like the picks our teams make, and unleash a torrent of melodramatic, unctuous praise without any notion of rational restraint.

Sometimes we don’t like the picks, but have to pretend we do to avoid the wrath of our comrades – a shallow and necessary truth of the destitute.

Either way, we have fun. 

This time around, our host, he shall be called Michael because that’s actually his name, came up with a contest.  Whoever could get the most 1st round pick correctly, could choose from a list of prizes.  Now, most people would assume the prizes to be things like NFL gear, or beer.  Maybe a puppy (just kidding, but that would be cool).

Not Michael.  Michael doesn’t do things normally.  Michael refers to himself as Michael a lot, especially after a few beers.

Here’s what Michael came up with:

A spare set of Japanese Sai’s (because, you know, most people have a spare set), a piece of Egypt’s Great Pyramid that may or may not be cursed and a scary-ass nightmare mask that kind of looked Polynesian.  That’s how Michael rolls.

Another contest he came up with was to give a prize to whoever brought over “the best” Craft Beer.  “The best” could be anything.  Best tasting.  Best label.  Best name.  Whatever Michael thinks. 

This is in my wheelhouse.  I love Michael and I love Craft Beer.  No effing way I lose this one.  I wasn’t quite sure how, but I was going to win.  My brother and I shoved off to the beer store to see what we could find. Stone’s Arrogant Bastard?  Too predictable.  Something fine like Lost Abbey’s Judgement Day?  Good, but too pretentious.  Then I saw it.

Santa Fe’s Chicken Killer Barley wine.  Perfect!  Great label, entertaining name and most likely a great craft beer AND a back story, as Michael and I both played the game Fable 2 (or 3?), where you could walk around and kick chickens if you so chose. Become a Chicken Killer. 

Thanks to Michael, his wife and daughter for having us over and tolerating our BS.  Had a great time, and look forward to next year’s fiasco – On with the review!

Santa Fe Co, Chicken Killer Barley wine

Drank this in a huge Goblet, because that’s what Michael gave me.  This Barley wine pours a beautiful, bright amber color, with a good strong head that dissipates rather slowly.  Very sweet, caramely nose to it, framed by a solid hop presence.

        Perfectly balanced flavor here - very malt forward which was awesome, but not too hoppy which was really refreshing.  I am not a fan of most Barley wines for this reason, so it was really cool to taste this Santa Fe product.  Well done.  Definitely a presence of alcohol at 10%, but not a problem.  Very sippable, and I’ll be having this Craft again.


  1. Love it! Great blog again.... I love this Michael guy.

  2. Only, MIchael! We'll look for the beer. Outstanding blog.
